Italy has officially launched its Digital Nomad Visa, inviting international remote workers to live and work within the country while being employed by companies or clients outside of Italy. The program, which took effect on April 4, allows non-EU citizens to legally reside in Italy for up to one year, with the possibility of annual renewal.

Who Qualifies as a Digital Nomad in Italy?

The Italian government defines a digital nomad as a non-EU citizen who engages in highly skilled work using technology that enables remote operations, whether as a self-employed individual or as an employee of a non-resident company.

Key Requirements for the Italian Digital Nomad Visa

To qualify for this visa, applicants must demonstrate an annual income of at least €28,000, secure health insurance, and arrange accommodations for their stay in Italy. Furthermore, applicants must have a clean criminal record for the past five years and must have been working remotely for at least six months prior to applying.

Application Process Simplified

Applicants are required to be tax-compliant in Italy and must schedule an in-person appointment at an Italian consulate in their home country. Essential documents include a valid passport, employment verification, income proof, health insurance, accommodation proof, and a criminal record certificate. Once approved, visa holders have eight days upon arrival in Italy to apply for a residence permit.

Comparison with Other EU Digital Nomad Visas

Unlike other European Digital Nomad Visas, Italy’s program is specifically designed under Article 27 of the immigration code for highly skilled workers, as emphasized by global mobility expert Damien O’Farrell. This unique positioning highlights Italy’s intent to attract top-tier talent to its shores.

Growing Popularity of Digital Nomadism

According to Pumble, there are currently 40 million digital nomads worldwide, with 91 percent possessing higher education and 70 percent working 40 hours a week or less. A striking 82 percent of digital nomads report high satisfaction with their incomes. Moreover, a survey by Flatio reveals that Portugal is the top choice for digital nomads, followed by Spain, Madeira, Germany, and Romania.

EU Standards for Digital Nomad Monthly Earnings

Monthly income requirements vary across the EU. For instance, digital nomads need to earn €2,000 in Hungary, €2,300 in Croatia, €3,500 in Cyprus and Greece, and €3,700 in Romania.

Why Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa Stands Out

Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa not only facilitates legal residency for remote workers but also integrates them into Italian society while allowing them to contribute economically without competing with local labor markets. This strategic move aims to boost Italy’s appeal as a top destination for skilled remote workers seeking a blend of culture, history, and modern work flexibility.